All the gear,

but no idea.

Module Two

Welcome to

Module Two.

All the gear, but no idea.


Let’s start using those juicy creative muscles, shall we?

Have you ever felt like your photos aren’t good enough, because you don’t have the right camera gear? Well, let me tell you a little secret… You can have the most amazing camera gear in the world and still have absolutely no idea how to take an awesome photo!

In this module, we will dive into how to use a camera, how to work manual mode like an absolute pro and what you will need to know in order to take KILLER photos!

Let’s kick start this journey with a powerful guided meditation.

Once you have reached the end of the meditation, please take some time to sit with your thoughts, feelings and any downloads that have come through. This is a powerful time to journal and write down anything and everything that comes to mind.

If you are new to journalling or feeling a bit stuck on what to write, I have created a few journal prompts to help guide you!

need to create this video

5 mantras to help you take better photos

  • In the wise words of Shia Labeouf, “just do it”.

    The only time that is better than today was yesterday, so why not go and give it a try?!

    I think you can honestly surprise yourself when you act on impulse. That feeling that you are getting in your gut when you’re excited or inspired by something, that’s your intuition. Your impulse. That is your guide telling you to do whatever the fuck it is that you want to do!

    What I’ve come to find with photography is that 90% of my favourite photos have come from me just deciding to go and shoot. When I’ve had an idea and told myself to get out there, rather than thinking “I’ll do it on Sunday”. That’s when the real magic happens - within the spontaneity and within the intuitive pulses.

    Oh and how on earth do you expect to get better without practice?

    Just fucking do it man. Get shooting!

  • So I’m sure you have some photographers that you look up to or creatives who inspire you. Otherwise you wouldn’t be here taking this course, right?!


    Believe it or not? Every single one of those incredible humans did not just wake up with superhuman photographer powers.

    They didn’t wake up perfect.

    They have all been in exactly the same position as you and I - the only difference is they are 5 miles ahead of the starting line than you are!

    Put the practice in, learn from the mistakes and make every single “failed” attempt a chance to grow.

    Life is boring if everything is perfect first time round. So get out there, live a little and just try! Who knows, you might be one of the 1% who can actually take a decent photo within the first 5 minutes of picking up a camera!

  • A good photographer is not a good photographer because of their camera.

    A good photographer is a good photographer because they have a vision that they want to create.

    They have learned how to use their camera, they have mastered the settings and they know what technical skills they need for each situation. But most of all?

    They are seeing something in the world that they want to capture through an image that reflects their vision with clarity and depth.

    Fucking good photographers don’t just show us what they see; they tell us a story and reveal something about themselves through this process!

    I’d like to see a camera take a good photograph without the photographer behind it.

  • This one ties in quite nicely with “no one gets it perfect the first time”. It follows that same mantra, but with a twist.

    When you are transitioning from a hobbyist photographer to someone who actually wants to make an income from your creations, you need to come to terms with the fact that you will get rejected.


    There is also no strategy in the world that could prepare you for the feeling that comes from being rejected over and over and over again.

    The best thing you can do in this situation is breathe, accept it and move onto the next opportunity.

    It’s going to happen. Not everyone will love your work or see the value in it, but there are thousands of people out there who will!

    It’s time to put on that thick skin of yours and prepare to be rejected. It’s one of the perks of being a photographer - you learn to be a very strong and determined person!

  • This one is pretty self explanatory.

    One of the most important things to be considerate of as a photographer is your surroundings. Especially when you work in nature with models or yourself as a model.

    I see so many creatives and photographers going to the most beautiful locations and not stopping to think of how they are making an impact just by being there!

    It’s easy to remember to take rubbish with you, right? But what about the erosion or destruction caused by you walking through nature? Welllll, people don’t seem to think about that quite as much.

    Would you be happy if you arrived at a flower field and half of it had been trampled by other people who came to get the perfect shot and then leave again? I’m pretty sure you’d be pissed off, cause I know I would be!

    How about if you went to a location that you had been dreaming about for years, only to find out that it is now closed and not accessible by the public due to delicate flora and fauna being damaged by the other photographers and models who were just walking wherever they felt like and not sticking to the paths? This happened to me in Iceland and I was absolutely gutted!

    So please, try to be mindful.

    Not only can you ruin the experience for other photographers, hikers, adventurers, bird watchers, etc but you can actually have a negative impact on the environment by not considering the consequences of your actions.

    I like to leave every area better than I found it and I always consider where I’m walking, so that I can cause the lease amount of damage as humanly possible.

need to create this video

Now you’ve got your mindset in check, let’s dive into setting goals and intentions.

Once you have watched the video above, head to the worksheet below and get started!