Not all water is created equal
Did you know you can eliminate your mites, mold and mildew with just water?
Kangen Water benefits Cannabis/Hemp Growers in the following ways:
DESTROYS & PREVENTS all mites including RUSSET mites, mold and powdery mildew and leaves no chemical residue on the plants nor does it harm the plants in any way.
Least expensive non-toxic pest solution on the market!
9 pH Waters will eliminate the need for pH balancers saving you money.
When used to make compost tea Kangen water INCREASES YOUR YIELD and you don't have to use as much of the nutrients, thus saving you money.
Decrease nutrient cost by 20%.
Increase your profits by 150%.
Sounds unbelievable right?
We thought so too! So we decided to test it ourselves and were blown away by the results!
In just 3 days alone, the seed watered with Kangen water were germinating at a visibly faster rate than the seed watered with tap water. Not only did the plant grow faster, but it grew fuller, healthier and with a larger yield.
An absolutely incredible thing to witness right before your very eyes!
When you compare the photos, you can see just how amazing the difference actually is!
But how is Kangen water different?!
Kangen water is electrolysed, ionised water. This means that the water passes through titanium plates where the water is separated through a process called electrolysis. Electrolysis splits the atoms apart and creates two types of water - acidic and alkaline. Kangen machines produce 9 different ph levels, with 6.0ph beauty water being the best for plants. This water is the same ph as rain water, which is optimum for plant growth and survival!
What is particularly special about Kangen water is the fact that the atoms are micro clustered.
What is micro clustered water?
Water molecules are identified as h2o, two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom. But these molecules cluster together to form a water cluster. When water is piped, chemically treated and ‘de-natured’, water molecules tend to clump together into larger water clusters.
Tap water usually has water clusters with around 14-16 molecules. Sometimes water will cluster into as many as 30 – 40 molecules. This makes it very hard for the body to absorb as the body recognises that it needs digesting – sorting and sifting. The same goes for plants and their cells.
Water in nature moves through the water cycle we all learned about at school flowing through the earth, evaporating into the sky, falling back to earth as rain. These natural processes, the free flowing spiralling movement, cause water to become micro clustered as well as becoming harmonically structured. Typically the water bursts into micro clusters of 3-5 molecules.
Water is then absorbed much more readily by the body – it is said to be more bio-available. The smaller, micro clusters can more easily pass through cell membranes. Consequently, it has the ability to hydrate more quickly and efficiently.
How does this benefit my plants?
Well if micro clustered water can pass through cell membranes more easily, quickly and efficiently, then think about what that can do for your plant! Not only will your plants become more hydrated, but they will become stronger which makes them more pest resistant. Micro clustered water can also aid your plant in the uptake of nitrogen and nutrients, which helps the plant to grow.
If you feel like you spend a lot of money to feed and nourish your plants, imagine how much you can save when changing the water alone will make such an impact?! It’s a win win in my opinion!
What about pest control?
Say bye to pesticides and hello to 2.5ph and 11.5ph water!
The great thing about Kangen water is you can choose between 9 different ph levels. These ph levels can be used for an array of things both in the home, in the garden and on the farm.
When it comes to pests on your plants, acidic and alkaline water work wonders. Spraying your plants daily with 2.5ph acidic water and 11.5ph alkaline water will not only eliminate pests, but prevent them too! Things like mites, mold, powdery mildew and fungus gnats will become a thing of the past.
You know what else? Kangen water is completely chemical free, non-toxic and zero waste. You won’t have to worry about all of the single use plastic bottles of pesticide any longer, so not only is this water a win for you, but it’s a win for the planet too!
So how can you get a machine?
Contact me!
If you have any questions or simply want to discuss the machines further, I would love to hear from you. Click the button below to send an email across or if we are already chatting, you’ll know where to find me.